When Chakras go out of Balance

Root Chakra

When our Root Chakra is out of balance, we feel disconnected to the physical world and to other people. We feel ungrounded, lost, disillusioned like we don't belong, deeply unsafe, insecure, distrustful, unmotivated,depleted, aggressive, defensive, stuck, weak/frail, stagnant, desolately lonely, pessimistic, non-focused, disorganised, compromised, anxious/panicked, depressive, feeling a lack of abundance/scarcity, resentment, disinterest, PTSD and nightmares. The extent of these feelings will determine the extent of imbalance in this Chakra and vice versa.

The physical manifestation of Root Chakra imbalance is illnesses and ailments related to the parasympathetic system, legs, feet, spine, bones, blood, sciatic nerves, colon, male sexual organs, some female sexual organs, adrenal glands, bladder, hips, and teeth.

Our out of alignment Root Chakra prohibits our growth immensely.

Sacral Chakra

When our Sacral Chakra is out of balance, we feel disdain for others, insecure with inferiority complex, distrusting, paranoid, controlling of others and situations, perpetually disappointed, unable to enjoy life, lacking in confidence, blank and hazy mind with a numbness, denial, suspension of mental and physical body in extreme situations, dogmatic thinking, passionate conspiracy theorist, crudeness, indifference to other peoples feelings, uncivilised, strong fears, extremely selfish.  The extent of these feelings will determine the extent of imbalance in this Chakra and vice versa.

The physical manifestation of Sacral Chakra imbalance is illness and ailments related to reproductive organs including fertility issues and psychological sexual issues, urinary gland issues, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, lower vertebrae, pelvis, hips, appendix, large intestines, lymph glands including dehydration, and large intestines. 

Our out of alignment Sacral Chakra prohibits creativity and healthy relationships.

Solar Plexus Chakra

When our Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance, we feel anxiety, low self esteem, envy, jealousy, controlling behaviour, competitive nature, lack of confidence, insecurity, feeling trapped, lack of integrity, no sense of self, inauthenticity, inertia, fiery tempered or extremely cold demeanour, blind attachments to people or things to the extent of being manipulative to attain it, fear of losing the object of attachment, possessiveness, hatred and intolerance including that of the surrounding environment, shame, melancholy, laziness, sadistic tendencies, irritability, procrastinating, indecisive, confused, self absorbed, lack of energy.  The extent of these feelings will determine the extent of imbalance in this Chakra and vice versa.

The physical manifestation of Solar Plexus Chakra imbalance is illness and ailments related to stomach, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, large intestine, much of the muscular system, adrenal glands, pancreas, diaphragm, skin, eyes, inner thermostat. 

Our out of alignment Solar Plexus Chakra prohibits independence, sound judgements and healthy relationships. 

Heart Chakra

When our Heart Chakra is out of balance, we feel reactive rather than proactive, unable to discriminate between right and wrong, misguided hope out of denial and lying to self, worried and overthinking, unable to find love and compassion for others, depressed, guilt, arrogant, vain, egotistic, conceited, pride, covetous needing to own/possess to fill emptiness, unreasonably argumentative, hypocrisy, empty, unable to express emotions, self-hate.  The extent of these feelings will determine the extent of imbalance in this Chakra and vice versa.

The physical manifestation of Heart Chakra imbalance is illness and ailments relating to the heart, circulatory system, emotional regulation, lungs, shoulders, arms, hands, breasts and lymph system beginning with the thymus gland, certain mental illnesses. Our brains are governed by our hearts which is why a lot of mental illnesses are rooted in deep emotional hurt. 

Throat Chakra

When our Throat Chakra is out of balance, we feel social anxiety, a feeling of faithlessness, shyness, shame, complacency, suffocating as though drowning/choking, inhibited and unable to express self, uninspired. The extent of these feelings will determine the extent of imbalance in this Chakra and vice versa.

The physical manifestation of Throat Chakra imbalance is illness and ailments relating to lymph gland, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, ears, nose, jaw, neck, cervical spine, mouth, tongue, shoulders. 

Third Eye Chakra

When our Third Eye Chakra is out of balance, the most common signs associated are headaches, migraines,seizures, dementia, hallucinations, dissociation, confusion, hormone imbalances, all kinds of sleep disturbances, black&white thinking, no sense of direction, prejudices, strokes, brain tumour, sinusitis, paranoia, delusions, anxiety, depression, cynicism, close mindedness, denial, scalp and hair problems, learning disabilities, loss of a sense of conscience and empathy, lack of ethics, mental illnesses, disturbances in appetite and temperature regulations. The extent of these feelings will determine the extent of imbalance in this Chakra and vice versa.

The physical manifestation of Third Eye Chakra imbalance is illness and ailments relating to pituitary gland, hypothalamus, eyes, frontal sinuses, many parts of the brain especially the outer parts, skull, ears, nose, endocrine system, parasympathetic nervous system. 

Crown Chakra

When our Crown Chakra is out of balance, the most common signs associated are apathy, chronic pain, sleep dysfunction, mental illness, loneliness, isolation, existential crisis, amnesia.  The extent of these feelings will determine the extent of imbalance in this Chakra and vice versa.

The physical manifestation of Crown Chakra imbalance is brain cancer, bone cancer, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, glandular disorders, lymph system disorder, nervous system disorder, migraines, coma, strokes, Alzheimer, dementia, Parkinson disease.