Reiki and Your Life and Lifestyle

Anything that has energy, emits a frequency. Frequency is the vibratory oscillation rate of your body’s atomic and sub-atomic particles. The frequency you emit determines the kind of life you will experience as it will dictate the kind of people, places, times, things and events you resonate with and therefore attract towards you.  This is the law of Resonance. 

When your energy is blocked or trapped, you oscillate at a lower rate which means you emit a lower frequency. According to the Hawkins Scale of vibratory emotional analysis, the lower frequency emotions are the emotions that contract our lives and we struggle to find long lasting happiness, contentment and peace and oftentimes, this struggle gets manifested as physical and mental ailments and diseases. 

Unless and until you raise and change your frequency, you remain stuck in a rut. There are so many ways to raise your frequency, like meditation and yoga, that most people are now aware of and many people do adopt into their lifestyles. And when it does raise your frequency, you feel almost invincible in your life. This is when you will find yourself planning and making positive changes to your life. And if you manage to keep the frequency raised, you change your life. But in reality what happens more often is that you return to your old patterns, the new changes discarded and forgotten. Why? Because of Cords of Attachment.

What are cords of attachment? These are energetic cords that we form every time we have ever felt attached to a person, place, or situation or ever exchanged energy in a meaningful way even if temporary. Without your conscious knowledge, your aura and subconscious still hold this attachment which leaks vital energy from you and into past patterns that may be keeping you in a lower vibration frequency and therefore stuck in all areas of your life - health, relationships, wealth, ability to manifest different choices, and even your passion for doing what you enjoy. A perfect example of a cord of attachment is when a person is unable to forget someone from their past and uses vital energy to think and overthink of this person, replaying past conversations and even holding feelings of resentment and anger. No matter how much this person tries to forget and move on, they will keep being drawn back in until that remove the cord of attachment. 

The good news is that this is not something you have to live with. Reiki can remove these cords successfully so that you can enjoy vitality in your life. You don't have to live in a dimmed way, you can choose to shine your internal light bright. Once you have removed the major blockages due to cords of attachments, all you have to do is maintain your energetic health which is far easier.