and Your Energetic/ Subtle Body

Our physical body is not the only body we have but it is the only body that is made of matter. Our other six bodies, Etheric, Astral, Mental, Spiritual, Cosmic, Nirvanic are subtle and energy bodies. While our physical body dies, our energetic and subtle bodies just transform as energy cannot be destroyed. They transform into new bodies (re-birth) but continue to carry the imprints and memories of the lives they have previously lived. Emotions are also stored the same way because emotions are really just energy in motion. And, we all have a higher self (or some call that the soul), that can be seen as the 'One' that is having these experiences of births and deaths and re-births.

The goal of our soul is to have as many experiences as possible in human form and to accept all of these experiences with unconditional love. This includes all it says and means about us without rejection and judgement. The goal of our ego is to protect us from the pain that may come from accepting some of these experiences and what it says and means about us. This brings about feelings of guilt, shame, regret, or any other form of rejection of the self. From a state of unawareness, our egos tend to be in the drivers seat of our lives and our soul a mere passenger, the ego deaf and blind to the voice of the soul. What the soul will do then is that it will keep manifesting the same kind of experiences in the form of people, places and situations that the ego has rejected until such a time when the ego is finally able to see, understand and accept those rejected sides of itself. Often, a lifetime isn't enough to complete all such cycles and what is unresolved is carried forward into future reincarnations/lives. All this rejection of the true authentic self shows up in our lives as wounding, sub-classified in various forms of wounding some of which are mentioned below.

When it is carried over to future lives, our soul chooses which of its wounding it wants to settle and heal in the life it is about to be born in. When a baby is born, it is already coming together with its own emotional baggage, so to speak, and not as a fully clean slate that a baby is believed to have. As a baby from 0 to about 3 years of age, there is no ego in place and the child is fully willing to accept itself as it is. However, that does not coincide with what then our parents/caregivers, communities, societies, and any established groups we belong to accept of us. There are conditions placed on how a child is to be and behave to be accepted and this is the first point where the soul wounds get triggered. 

Whenever a wound is triggered in us, our ego comes in with a mask of denial to protect us from any pain or unpleasantness further deepening the wound and adding to our shadow sides. Our shadow side is the parts of us that we rejected and cast into darkness out of our conscious and our reach of self- awareness for whatever reasons. The wound is triggered in us usually due to the way someone treats us, or the way we treat them or the way we treat ourselves.

Since we are social creatures and dependent on each other for our basic emotional and social needs, the wounding in each of us means that we further create layers of wounding in each other. There is a popular quote ‘hurt people hurt others’ which is the simplest way of expressing all of this. Every person on this earth has their own unique cocktail of wounding that they pass on to their children who have come with their own unique set of soul wounds. These children grow up and interact with other wounded people and there is a pattern of either healing or wounding. A lot of the time when we operate from an unconscious mind, it is most likely going to be wounding in different intensities from these interactions. And thus, continues the cycle of wounds in our lives in patterns that can then be sub classified as Inner Child Wounding, Mother Wounds, Father Wounds, Sister Wounds, Womb Wounds, Divine Feminine Wounds, Divine Masculine Wounds, Sacred Sexuality Wounds, Sacred Relationship Wounds, Witch Wounds, Ancestral and Generational Wounds, Collective Wounds, etc, to name a few. 

If we do not find a way to begin healing from these, clearing energies from all these numerous wounding, we will keep carrying it forward in all our future lives, attracting the same kind of patterns and pain and only after we heal from it can we progress to the next experience our soul would plan for us.

Healing needs to be a part of everyone’s soul journey, not to be undertaken with seriousness and fear, but with curiosity, enthusiasm and an open-mindedness that can make it a joyous experience even with all the bumps and knocks along the way. Reiki goes a long way towards helping this healing alongside you doing your conscious self work.   


  There are 5 core soul wounds a soul may carry:

1. Rejection Wound

2. Abandonment Wound

3. Humiliation Wound

4. Betrayal Wound

5. Injustice Wound

Rejection Wound, Ego showing up as Withdrawn

This can show up in your life as:

1. Dissatisfaction with self

2. Feeling meaningless.

3. Lack of self-respect.

4. Defensive.

5. Anxiety.

6. Overthinking.

7. Escaping into alcohol, drugs, sudden trips, virtual games.

8. Rich imagination.

9. Taciturn, withdrawn, isolation leading to loneliness.

10. Anchoring in the material world through a sense of being busy.

11. Perfectionism

12. Not knowing what to look for in life and constantly searching for new information, knowledge, theories, excessive spirituality or anything that can be used as a support. 

Abandonment Wound, Ego showing up as Dependent

This can show up in your life as:

1. Problems with independence and fear of loneliness.

2. Suffering from sadness without knowing its cause.

3. Crying alone sometimes for long hours.

4. Victim mentality 

5. Lack of boundaries, co-dependence.

6. Self-absorbed.

7. Inability to make independent decisions.

8. Not listening to the advice of others.

9. Changeable moods.

10. Problems ending relationships.

11. Unable to face confrontations, sinking into self, especially with an angry or aggressive person.

Humiliation Wound, Ego showing up as a Masochist

This can show up in your life as:

1. Feeling constantly watched.

2. People pleasing.

3. Unable to express themselves fully.

4. The tendency to justify others.

5. Reluctance to admit to your sensuality.

6. Suppressing your sensual drive.

7. Fear of punishment for the excessive joy of life.

8. Putting the needs of others above your own.

9. Feeling often sloppy, dirty, or unworthy.

10. Compensates for different needs with food; it’s easy to get fat.

11. Self-deprecating. 

12. As a child they were not free to express themselves, so they built a strong inner friction. They are not able to find freedom through actions, because they fear to be punished and this creates a tremendous inner pressure. 

13. They also have to solve sexual inhibitions and blocks. 

14. They can't defend themselves, so they usually leave the competition.

15. They tend to humiliate themselves and others.

16. They care about everything and everyone, except themselves.

Betrayal Wound, Ego showing up as Controlling.

This can show up in your life as: 

1. Imposing your will and point of view on others.

2. No contact with your own sensitivity.

3. Demonstrating your own strength.

4. A constant need to improve.

5. Striving for honors, titles, the need to be special, and important.

6. Attaching importance to reputation.

7. Lack of tolerance for lies of others although they themselves will lie.

8. High expectations of others.

9. Applying rigor, manipulation, and control.

10. Strong need for all planning and a lack of flexibility in relation to unforeseen situations.

11. Lack of trust in the opposite sex.

12. Problems with discovering and confiding to others.

13. Too quick conclusions.

14. Quick reasoning and action.

15. A tendency to offend, suddenly ending relationships, and cutting off contact.

16. Lack of tolerance and impatience.

Injustice Wound, Ego showing up as Harsh. 

This can show up in your life as: 

1. Not resting even when tired.

2. Difficulties in admitting to experiencing problems.

3. Constant optimism.

4. Perfectionist.

5. Fear of losing control.

6. Unaware of your own injustice towards others.

7. Problems showing feelings.

8. Problems creating a satisfying intimate relationship.

9. Very high demands on your body such as not acknowledging your illness.

10. Great acceptance of pain and cold.

11. Self-Sabotaging.

12. A tendency to criticize others and yourself.

13. Putting skills above feelings.