Reiki Benefits and Side Effects

''Reiki brings back the light that was already inside of us. ''

    Reiki Benefits:  

    Every thing in the universe is energy and Reiki is a healing of energy. Therefore the benefits of Reiki are vast, not to mention the ripple effects of the primary benefits from Reiki, compounding the effect immensely. Reiki works within us long after the healing session is completed and when we regularly get Reiki healing, we begin to shift our health and life in a positive direction wholistically. 

    The benefits of Reiki touch all four aspects of our life; Mind, Body, Emotion and Spirit as well as any of our situations, past, present or future.  As such, it is impossible to list every benefit that you can derive from Reiki. I'll list some of the common ones: 

    • It is deeply relaxing to have a Reiki session and the feeling of wellness and positivity lingers long after a session because it also helps the body release stress and tension. Over time and regular Reiki healing, this feeling of wellness and positivity becomes a part of life.

    • You become more in tune with your body and will be able to combat any negative changes in it sooner rather than later when it becomes more stubborn to help.

    • It helps heal from within the root core of the problem instead of masking symptoms. This should not be misinterpreted to believe that Reiki heals all ailments. There are some things that you will need modern medicine for but Reiki can enhance the effect of the medicine working in your body faster and more efficiently.

    • Reiki brings about a sense of calmness in you by promoting harmony and balance.

    • Reiki brings in mental clarity and improved memory.

    • Reiki is a great mood booster with zero side effects.

    • Reiki can improve your interpersonal relationships because you become more conscious and aware of yourself.

    • Reiki clears the body of toxins and boosts immunity and also increases vitality. 

    • Reiki grounds and centers you which allow you to be present in the moment. This makes you have a better focus in your daily tasks.

    • Reiki enhances sleep, further aiding relaxation and better coping with your days.

    • Reiki enhances your body’s natural self healing ability because it removes all the energetic blocks that stop the body from performing in its natural state. 

    • Reiki is a natural painkiller. It can either reduce the severity of pain or completely remove it. 

    • Reiki can enhance spiritual growth for those inclined to walk this path.

    • Reiki cleanses emotional residues including traumas over time. 

    • Reiki is non invasive, gentle and safe for everyone, including fetuses in the womb. Reiki can also be sent to heal ancestors who have passed on. Sometimes a spirit remains anchored to what their life was even after death and they need healing so they can pass on with ease. 

    • Reiki can help mental illnesses like depression, and reduce panic and anxiety attacks.

    • Reiki can help control addictions. 

    • Anyone can learn Reiki if they are so inclined. You do not need to have any special gifts or talents. You just need to be willing to dedicate yourself into healing not just yourself but others. The source universal energy is available to all of us.

    • Reiki increases your vibration frequency which means you attract better situations and even people in your life.

    Side Effects: 

    Reiki can do no harm to anyone. It is a very gentle healing energy. Reiki is compassion, without compassion energy is not Reiki even if it flows.

    When our bodies heal, they have to release toxins and some people may notice temporary discomfort while expelling these. However, this is temporary and is not a concern.

    It is however prudent to mention here that the level of discomfort someone experiences can depend on the level and depth of blockages they hold within as Reiki healing can bring up suppressed traumatic events from the past to be healed. Reiki works healing from the root cause and sometimes the root cause is a very painful emotional event and bringing it up can cause temporary discomfort until a person is able to heal from it and let go of it.  

    It is advisable to let your Reiki healer aware of all your medical history, especially if you are on any form of medication. You need to be prepared to consult your doctor regularly with any changes you may feel.