Reiki and Our Children

Our children are often loaded with way more stress than we realise. They’re finding their place in the world, in between dependence on parents/ caregivers and independence and establishment of who they are both with themselves and the world around them. At the same time they are also expected to perform academically as well as in extracurricular activities whether or not that is their area of strength. A lot of beliefs about themselves and the world around them begin to set in to their minds in this period but they’re left with almost no time to process what they might be feeling. A lot of the times, these beliefs are set from the hurt ego point of view. This means, the self will always see itself less than what it is, less than what others are. This then begins to build layers of energy blocks in their bodies and their auras that over time will affect physical, mental and emotional health as well as the way they relate with their surroundings, people and experiences. This can affect the way they live and experience life, personally and eventually, professionally.

It is therefore paramount that we give our children the best tools possible to build themselves a healthy foundation of wholesome wellness. Reiki will allow these energy blocks to be shifted, giving your child the necessary means to cope with ‘life’ with a positive outlook and attitude. A bonus benefit will be a possible increase in your child’s ability to grasp information and memory, enhancing their academic performance.