A little bit about Aura and Chakras

We are not just a body made of flesh and bone, we are also made up of energy and the healthier the flow if that energy, the healthier our life experience will be and the better it will feel to us. 
When a Chakra is out of alignment, it does not let in or emit enough vital energy, therefore contracting the Chakra. It also pulls every organ associated with it out of alignment, resulting in illnesses. A lot of the times, Chakras co-govern parts of the body, which is why you will see similar symptoms in more than one Chakra.

Aura, Auric field and Problems with Aura

Aura is the energetic field that our bodies emanate. It is some kind of an invisible energy cocoon, woven of thermal, electromagnetic, acoustic, and other extraordinary fibers. Aura is to our energy what skin is to our body; it protects our energy. The stronger our aura, the better our energy is protected and the more balanced we are. Aura fields of different people are unique just like fingerprints, although people can vibrate at the same frequency.  (This is what causes instant attraction to certain people over other people). These vibrations can be perceived as colours by those who can see auras. 

Our aura is supposed to be our individual cocoon but our auras constantly overlap with each other when we connect with each other in any form. This can cause problems to our auric field, the most common of which are:

Rips/ Holes in the Auric field:

Rips are caused by one off or stand alone unexpected hurts/trauma we face in our life that shock and shake us. It disturbs our magnetic field for a duration changing its base vibration in a negative way. Holes are caused by prolonged hurts that also stay on after for a long duration and usually stem from childhood issues that cause self esteem issues and show up strongly when the trauma held inside is triggered .  These rips and holes are found over areas that your body has stored the hurt/ trauma.  

Cords of Attachment: 

There are energetic cords formed with usually the important people in our lives and sometimes with people with a strong negative energy who focus heavily on us out of negative feelings like jealousy/ envy etc.  When a relationship is balanced, where both parties give and receive on an equal basis, these cords are beneficial. However, when a relationship is toxic or one sided or when two people have decided to part ways, these cords are troublesome. Some of the symptoms of  negative cords of attachment can be needing regular validation due to having a weak self identity, suppressing/ unable to voice your truth in situations appearing in your life, sudden overthinking negative scenarios of something you were not consciously thinking of, and for energetically sensitive people it can come up as headaches and stomach aches etc. 

Energetic Debris: 

 Mostly an issue for people with empathetic or sensitive natures. It basically means picking up energy from people who may share something sad with you and you get engrossed with what they say. You take on the feeling of whatever negative emotion they may be expressing with their words and it can leave you feeling low for a certain duration of time. 

Stagnant Energy: 

This is our own energy in areas of our lives that we have stagnated at.  When we go around in circles thinking of an idea without acting on it, it creates stagnation.  After a while of thinking of an idea you've not acted on, thinking of the same idea will make you feel anxiety in some form because you know you've not done anything about it so far. This creates a kind of an energy block within you creating a resistance to taking any action because now your subconscious mind is conditioned to thinking of something, feeling anxious over it but not taking any action.  Heavy procrastinators have a stagnant energy.  Unreleased emotions also cause stagnant energy.  


Our 7 Main C h a k r a s

Root Chakra


This Chakra is located at the bottom of our spine; our tailbones.

Root chakra is our survival chakra and its primary concern is to meet our needs of security and stability as well as to bring us courage and abundance. The needs range from the most primitive/basic to the most complex, and from physical needs like food and shelter to non physical needs like love, understanding, care, empathy, significance.

When this Chakra is out of balance .....

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Sacral Chakra


This Chakra is located around two inches below the belly button.

Sacral Chakra is the center of passion and personal power. Its primary concern is to meet your personal desires, creativity, sensual and sexual energy,  emotions, relationships with other people and your relatability to other people.

When this Chakra is out of balance.....

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Solar Plexus Chakra


This Chakra is located around your belly button.

Solar Plexus Chakra is the center of personal power as well as personal identity.  Its primary concern is to meet your needs to be seen, heard, felt and understood.  It is also the chakra of vitality, alertness, stamina, good sleep at night, yin/yang balance and the 'doer' /action taker.

When this Chakra is out of balance.....

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Heart Chakra


This Chakra is located around the center of your chest, just above the heart.

Heart Chakra is the center of  unconditional love and humanity. This is the Chakra that is at the center point between your physical and spiritual Chakras making it a unifier of the body and spirit. 

Its primary concern is to bring you into integration and wholeness within yourself. It is also the chakra of love and self love, a healthy balance between loving self and others, self esteem, and enthusiasm.

When this Chakra is out of balance.....

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Throat Chakra


This Chakra is located around your throat.

Throat Chakra is the center of purity and of purification.

Its primary concern is to remove all contaminants and discovering your own purity and unique truth and once discovered, expressing this truth. To live in alignment with your own personal inner truth and personal integrity.  It is also the chakra of communication with self and others, peace of mind from mental chatter, and intuition.

When this Chakra is out of balance...

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Third Eye Chakra


This Chakra is located at the center of your brows. 

It's   primary concern is to remove duality and polarity of thoughts and perceptions and unify them by expanding our awareness in such a way that we are no longer limited by individual rigid  thoughts and perceptions. This Chakra is associated with psychic abilities because our genuine awareness goes far beyond our physical limitations in the physical dimension.

It is also the seat of our conscience. It is also the chakra of non judgement of self and others.

When this Chakra is out of balance...

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Crown Chakra


This Chakra is located at your crown.    
Crown Chakra is most associated with our spiritual and conscious connection to the cosmos. 
It's primary concern is to bring in consciousness and enable : our highest potential,  our intuitive knowing, seeing a bigger picture, enlightenment, trust, inspiration, ego death, oneness, unity, confidence, certainty, identity of self (knowing who you are).

When this Chakra is out of balance...

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