What can I expect to get from Reiki healing?

Reiki is an energy healing technique that will balance the energy in your body to achieve optimum mental, emotional and physical health and if you so wish, an opening into your spirituality. 
At the surface level, Reiki brings a very deep form of relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety while it works deeply at the core of any underlying issues you may have by clearing energy blocks that have accumulated over the years keeping you from living your optimum life. Please refer to the benefits list for a broader picture.   
Reiki Benefits  

  How often do I need a Reiki Treatment?

When you begin Reiki for the first time, it's generally best to receive four to five Reiki treatments one to two weeks apart. Once you begin to see improvement in you, it is recommended  to have a Reiki treatment at least once every 6 weeks, if not sooner.  Please refer to the session packages I offer.  Session packages

  Do I need to be unwell to qualify for a Reiki Treatment?

Absolutely not! Why wait until you are unwell to begin treating yourself when you have the tools and power to possibly prevent being unwell? You’re worth every bit of effort you put in yourself and your whole wellness.

Seemingly healthy people have periods when they could do with a lift and balance in their energies. If we are living our lives and we are experiencing things in the course of our lives, we are accumulating energy that is not ours and we also experience certain energy blocks or shifts within our own energy fields due to these experiences. A lot of the times, a person may not even be fully aware of why they feel so lack luster or why they cope with certain situations in ways they do not like. To avoid these feelings, a lot of people turn towards distractions which do work, but temporarily. Eventually if these feelings go unchecked, they manifest in our bodies in ways that demand attention;  either in forms of physical or mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, addictions, social withdrawal etc. This is why self care is heavily recommended by all health practitioners and yet unfortunately a lot of us give ourselves the lowest priority when giving out care. By the time we have attended to the needs of everyone around us, we have no energy left to care for ourselves. A lot of this, if not all, can be avoided with self awareness and self care and Reiki is one of the most effective ways to keep our mind, body, emotion and spirit in balance. Why wait until the last minute when you can take steps to prevent it by allowing Reiki to enhance the quality of your life?  It is not selfish to care for you first; it is smart and even possibly selfless. We cannot give to others what we do not have ourselves and if you keep giving without ‘filling up’ until you go to a state of depletion and burn out, you won’t be able care for anyone effectively.

 Does Reiki Cure Mental Illnesses?

There are certain mental illnesses that can really benefit from Reiki although Reiki is not a cure for any illnesses. Reiki opens up your energy centers to empower your body to self heal. This means it works towards aiding and improving the function of any prescribed medication and a prescribed change in lifestyle. Reiki is an accessory to other forms of treatments for serious illnesses and you should always consult your doctor for these illnesses. There have been numerous testaments that can be found all over the internet on how people have managed to come off medication over time and dedicated use of Reiki or how people manage certain mental illnesses better with Reiki. Consulting your doctor regularly is advisable if you are on any medication for adjustment of dosages if required.

    What does Reiki Feel Like?

At a surface level, Reiki can feel like sensations of heat or cold or tingling or twitches in parts of your body which is really just the cells of the particular area beginning to vibrate in reaction to the healing energy being directed at it, though every person will experience Reiki uniquely because every person has a unique energy print. Reiki is a subtle, positive, loving and highly effective vibrational energy and whereas most people will feel a deep sense of relaxation and peace immediately, there may be times you will experience symptoms of a detoxification before you get to the relaxation stage. Reiki is a cleansing energy and removes negative energy out of the areas your body is carrying it in. The detoxification symptoms can be aches in problem areas, increased releasing of waste toxins via the body’s natural waste removal system, crying and a sense of upset, etc. These should not be a cause for concern because Reiki is just stirring up the negative and toxic vibrations of your mind, body, emotion and spirit to be released through your system. Sometimes an emotional release can even happen days or weeks after a healing session and you need to be aware of the triggers because it is showing you where to heal. Sometimes healing needs you to feel worse before you can feel better. It took us years to accumulate all the negativity and toxicity in our bodies; it is bound to take some dedicated time and effort to release it and it is important to maintain faith in your healing. 
 It is important to communicate your symptoms with your Reiki healer and very important to listen to your body when you are walking the path of your healing journey. Diarising your healing journey may help you too. Your body may require you to rest more, sleep or nap more. Listen to it and let it do its work while you support it.

 What should I do after a Reiki Treatment?

The healing energies continue to work after you leave the treatment room. To ensure you feel the benefits post-healing session, you can take the following steps.

- Take it easy. Give yourself a little time, even if its just 30 minutes, to just rest and be. Connect with how you feel. Avoid reaching out for your phone or rushing to any other engagements you may have. 

- Drink plenty of water. 'Plenty' can be subjective, so I'd say drink more water than you usually would. This supports your healing by flushing out any toxins released from your body. 

- Avoid alcohol and tobacco for at least 24 hours as both these dull our senses and therefore our energy.

- Eat fresh and nourishing foods and avoid processed and refined foods for at least 24 hours.

- You may experience releases of toxins in temporarily unpleasant ways. Keep calm and realise it is just purging what is not for your highest good and will pass quickly. If you are concerned in any way, contact your healer. In any case, do keep notes of all that you experience during and after the session to relay to your healer for the next session. 

 Why do different people get different results for the same problems?

Reiki works from the root source of your problems. Whereas people may seem to have the same ailments and illnesses on the surface, the root cause may vary in terms of the strength of blockages in the energy and where the blockages are. It is why different people have different experiences as well as different results overall. It is also why people will notice benefits totally unrelated to their surface problem before they notice the difference to the problem they are being healed for.