Reiki and Our Bodies



Everything in this universe is made up of energy, and our bodies are a complex interconnected system of energy transport.  Energy in our bodies travels through channels alongside our spine and gateways positioned on various areas of these channels. It is these gateways, known as chakras that require unblocking so that the channels and therefore the body find its optimum efficiency. Although there are many chakras on our body, Reiki focuses on 7 major ones.

Chakras are developed in our formative years of life, ages 1-7, each one on every successive year of our life. So for example, our first chakra is formed and developed at year 1, second at year 2 and so on. The chakra develops according to the experiences perceived by the child and this will then go on to determine various factors in this child’s life, like personality, coping mechanisms, self beliefs including those that self sabotage, behaviour  etc.  Since life and experiences are never totally smooth sailing, we are all faced with blockages in our chakras that ideally need to be cleared for a wholesome healthy life.

 Each chakra is linked to our different states of consciousness and each one resonates at a different frequency and vibrancy. However, all chakras work together and affect each other in synergistic unison and when one is off, the others feel the effect.  Our bodies always give us red flag alerts via pain and even mental or physical illnesses, rising in degree felt when we ignore it. It is our bodies’ way of telling us to slow down, pay attention and asking for a certain part of us to be healed. Our body has an inbuilt intelligence system that is always geared towards its highest level of wellness and also has a self healing capacity. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line we lost touch with our ability to listen to our bodies.

This is where Reiki is beneficial, in guiding us to bring a better balance to all our Chakras and subsequently to ourselves, and I personally and passionately believe Reiki should be a part of our life for a continuous and sustained wholesome balance and wellness which then enables us to live our lives to our full potential.

A brief view of Aura and Chakras

At our most basic, we are made up of energy. For energy to move within our physical bodies, it needs a system in which it can move around through the body and therefore it first organises itself along our meridians as pathways and gateways. The gateways are known as Chakras and are the purification and distribution centers of vital life force energy. There are 114 Chakras of which 7 are deemed to be major.  Each Chakra has a specific expression of life force and therefore has a specific purpose and vibration. Chakras are perceived to look like funnels or vortexes of energy and they both absorb and emit energy. 

Our Aura is the magnetic energetic field that we emanate based on the energy we emit from our Chakras and this is perceived subconsciously (or consciously for those who know how to read Auras) by people around us.

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