Namaste Beautiful Souls,

A little bit about me and my journey to Reiki.

I’m a Reiki master healer with a passion for helping people help themselves heal in a holistic manner. I am a firm believer of empowering people to take charge of their health, which is why I have also chosen to teach Reiki to those it calls to.

Recently, I embarked on the process of self healing after various challenges with my own health and well being. I came to learn about alternative therapies and their mechanisms and how they affected and healed the body. This opened my mind to a whole new way of looking at pain and its causes. At its core, pain is really caused by blockages within our energy fields that come about due to various experiences in our lives. And so, I felt a calling to learn Reiki and become a healer. As a Reiki Healer, I enjoy being able to bridge the gap between western medicine and the “alternatives,” while providing a safe and nurturing atmosphere in which to heal.

​I also volunteer my services as a way to give back to society along with a Reiki healing group. It gives me a deep sense of joy and satisfaction to help others with something as important as their well-being. It is believed that when we make a difference to one person, we make an impact to 100 people according to the 100th monkey effect, which inspires me to serve in the manner I do. 

It makes me happy to see people living to their full potential, with health and all the abundance life has to offer us. And if you're reading this, whether or not you choose to experience Reiki, I wish you health and abundance in your life.

With love, light and Reiki Blessings



My name is Valerie. 

A few months ago I was going through a spiritual spiral and needed a mentor in tune with Spiritual healing. I did my research and came across Reiki. I had heard about it before and was not very convinced at first . I came across Sejal through her website and sent an enquiry email to her, from our first communication she was very warm, shared a lot of information with me and gave me space to make my own decision. I was confident and scheduled my first appointment. It was very transformative for me as I felt lighter in my aura , alot came up and she provided me with journaling prompts to release the energy. I feel confident sharing deep internal information with her and my progress through each session . She is always available to her clients if they need to share anything with her . She is indeed a gifted spiritual healer , I am looking forward to continuing my healing journey to wholeness , Mind , Body and Spirit with Her . I Highly recommend Sejal for anyone on their spiritual journey seeking a Mentor and Reiki Healer .

Valerie Achieng, Nairobi


They say our spirit guides are always here to steer us towards what we need to make our lives better. My journey with Reiki started off in a very interesting way: 5 months ago I had never heard of the word Reiki, then all of a sudden I started seeing Reiki adverts on my social media platforms. This prompted me to google the meaning of Reiki, and as I typed the word in my search engine it suggested an auto-fill on “Reiki in Kenya”, I ignored it initially and just read up on the basic meaning of the word. A few days later I went back and checked Reiki in Kenya and I came across Sejal’s website I emailed her immediately and booked my first session, which I was very skeptical about since I had never heard of distance healing, I expected to meet her in person, lie on a bed as she did her thing… but nevertheless I decided to give it a try .
This was at a point in my life when I was in a very dark space: struggling with life purpose, letting go of a relationship that no longer served me, I had zero motivation to wake up in the mornings, had low self esteem and confidence, I also struggled with endless migraines. I was in a lot of pain emotionally and I had a lot of anger within me, I could not sleep well at night and used to get a lot of nightmares. To mask the pain and anger that I felt within, I indulged in a lot of emotional eating and drinking.
After a couple of sessions with Sejal I now feel much more alive than I have felt in a very long time: I sleep very well at night, the migraines and nightmares are a thing of the past I have a new-found motivation to carry out my daily tasks, I find joy in the little things in life, I smile more often and I’m less edgy. Sejal has also taught me how to deal with the painful memories from the past when they arise and I’m no longer reaching out for the nearest bag of crisps when I feel angry and frustrated. I am a happy mum, as a result my kids are happier too and we have more smiles and laughter at home ….
Sejal has also started working with my daughter who was also struggling with anger and insomnia at the onset. She’s a much happier and calmer kid now and sleeps soundly, her closest relatives have also commented on how pleasant she’s become. She had been seeing a therapist since last year December and not much headway was being made. There’s a particular issue that she had been working on with the therapist for the past couple of months without much success. After her second Reiki session I took her to the therapist and there was an amazing breakthrough. The therapist was in awe and she asked me what I did to help with the outcome. Coming a somewhat skeptical background I knew she would not agree with me that reiki had anything to do with it, so I just answered her that “I prayed about it”…..
My daughter’s creative side has also started coming up, she’s suddenly drawing very beautiful pictures, something she wasn’t doing before. This has helped her express herself better and I also believe her creativity chakra has been activated/unblocked.

Nancy N , Nairobi 


Sejal is a powerful healer. With her wisdom and great intuition, she has guided me into the most important journey of my life: the one to reconnect with myself. She helped me to heal old wounds, by letting them surface and by accepting them as a part of me that needs love and attention. She was able to remove many blockages and toxic elements in my energy that were preventing me to feel joy and peace in my heart. After each session, she provided me with a detailed summary of the insights she had during the healing session and included suggestions and practical exercices to continue the healing process. I felt that I was encouraged to take an active part into my healing journey. Sejal has a deep understanding of human nature and relationships and a thorough mastery of spiritual healing. 

Her respectful approach, loving attitude and professionalism provided an environment where I always felt safe and supported.

Sejal was also able to help my three children aged 8 to 14 years and my elderly father affected by cancer Each of them engaged into a weekly healing session with Sejal during several months. My children had many blockages in their chakras and some deep wounds that we would have never suspected they had since they are so young. The effects of the energy healing on my children was spectacular. It went from healing past lives traumas, to discovering hidden emotions and ancient wounds, bringing back to the surface what needed to be seen and healed. My father has gained strength, clarity and joy since he started his healing journey. His energy was very dark and heavy when he started the process with Sejal, but it's getting lighter and brighter every week. I am extremely grateful to Sejal to have helped me and my family to heal. We have all benefited immensely of her expertise and loving approach. We are still on this healing journey with Sejal and will continue as long as we need. Receiving healing from Sejal is like being showered with unconditional divine love. THANK YOU SEJAL!

Julie and family, Nairobi


2019 was a really tough year for me and so I decide to make a conscious effort to heal in 2020.I tried therapy but it was really hard because the trauma had erased my memory and I wasn’t able to talk about exactly what I needed healing from. I gave up.

One morning I decided to google about energy healing In Kenya after reading about it online and that is how I discovered Raychi Org. Immediately I emailed them this: My heart feels heavy and I don’t know how to feel better. All my senses have been numbed including sexual. Can you help? and there was an immediate response. The response was very warm and comforting. I was really excited because they understood exactly what I was talking about and I immediately started the session. I had no idea how distant Reiki happens but Sejal was kind enough to guide me on the first two sessions.

It has been 5Months now and I am a whole different person. I feel happy and alive, the heaviness in my heart is gone. After our 2 nd last session this month (it was the most intense for me), my body now gets excited sexually. I sleep like a baby and my anxiety has reduced.

I am still healing and want to continue with this holistic journey for as long as I can. Thank you Sejal for all the efforts to help me heal and for the sound advice and recommendations during our chats.

Mary N, Nairobi


A few months ago, I underwent surgery for mending a hiatal hernia. This was supposed to have relieved the constant acid reflux. The reflux was back a few weeks later and no amount of medication was helping. I had lost hope that I was going to find relief with my persistent acid reflux. 

One day, I suddenly remembered Sejal’s post of Reiki healing. I contacted her and that was the beginning of a tough but beautiful journey to healing. After the initial consultation, we agreed on distant healing. At first, I wasn’t sure how this would work as there would be no face-to-face interaction. But after the first session, I was amazed at how in-tuned Sejal is. She gives you her 100% attention when she is healing you. She was able to pick certain aspects of my energy that I had not shared with her. I started experiencing changes immediately after the first healing session. Sejal encourages interaction with her clients, through the journey of realizing and releasing blocks that cause us pain/misery. She maintains a warm and very confidential environment to discuss findings. I learnt a lot from her spiritual guidance and was able to deal with a lot of the emotional issues that I had tucked away and the cause of my acid reflux. My acid reflux has significantly reduced and with her guidance, I am maintaining a routine that helps me deal with the issue. Most importantly, I feel free! 

I would recommend Sejal to anyone who is willing and open to receive divine healing. She is an extraordinarily healer. And most importantly, she makes the time to engage with her clients. 

Hirnaxi, Mombasa


I have been a client of Raychi Healing, for about a year and I have had a monumental spiritual experience in my first session with Sejal. I was eager to continue this spiritual journey because it helps me towards accomplishing holistic health – a process of simultaneous healing of the mind, spirit, body and soul. I am sure you will benefit from this experience of Reiki with Sejal, who conducts her sessions in a clean, peaceful and calm environment where COVID protocols are enforced. I encourage you to have this experience of Reiki with Sejal. You will not regret it!

Beverley, USA


I don't know if there are enough thank yous for your work Sejal. 

I remember when I first made an inquiry, I didn't even know what I wanted. I just had this overwhelming fear and had tried a lot of things not working. The reply from Sejal was comforting and assured I was going to be okay. I wasn't sure, I had almost given up. But from my experience with her healing sessions so far, I can attest that I feel very good and at a better place than I was. 
What I love most about Sejal is that she goes over and beyond healing to give advise to whatever question, however stupid it might be, she guides one well, I'd say besides healing, she makes an excellent cousellor! It is a whole therapy! :) Because of her I'm a better person and hope to keep progressing 
I'd highly recommend anyone who is thinking of taking this up, to do it, just be patient and keep the faith; it works. 

Appreciation from Vallerie.S, Nairobi


I bumped onto Raychi .org while surfing the internet for a reiki practitioner based in Nairobi. I quickly connected with Sejal and all i can say today is , meeting Sejal is one of the best things that happened to me . Sejal is may be the first person that i can say as far as i can remember ever showed me compassion in life . I type this with tears in my eyes . I was at a place where my emotions and every thing about me were all over and this had been going on for a long time. I did not understand why i did make the choices i made in my day to day, choices that more often than not , brought me pain and nothing else. My interpersonal skills were pathetic . I had tried religion and nothing changed much. Today i see a calmer me, a happier me and less stressed . My relationships have improved a great deal and in particular relationship with my boss and colleagues . I love the new me . My journey is long but am committed to it just because i know its worth all the while .

M. Atieno, Nairobi.


The information on this site is not to be treated as a replacement for medical advice and user discretion is required when adapting any of the information for their personal situations. The information on this site is deemed to be accurate at the time of publishing and gathered from various sources of information provided freely by various spiritual teachers. Raychi does not take responsibility or liability for any decisions you make of your own free will.